EWB-Purdue EWB Merchandise

Cindy W Jiang jiang450 at purdue.edu
Wed Oct 9 19:44:32 EDT 2019

Hi all,

Here are the merch designs! Please take a look at the slides for all the options being offered and take the survey afterward :-)

Merch Slides<https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1nCGCwcdt_sCA6-uvbz5uDZZB-esxBOfba10EqIZyx6I/edit?usp=sharing>
Merch Survey<https://forms.gle/TJKe9q2h2sAEogF27>


Cindy Jiang
Biological Engineering | Purdue University 2020
Engineers Without Borders | Vice President
jiang450 at purdue.edu | 812-201-5289

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