EWB-Purdue EWB Update Email: Week 9 (10/16/19)

Cindy W Jiang jiang450 at purdue.edu
Tue Oct 15 13:05:41 EDT 2019

Hello all,

Hope this week was fantastic! Our next meeting is this Wednesday on 10/16/19 in ARMS B098 from 6-7:50 PM.


Reminder that we will be voting on the constitution updates!!

Roles and Responsibilities<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XSArW7scIdBa0BjTNB8p8YVOI34e81nR0IRjRaGCIkw/edit>


VOTE HERE: Constitution Changes<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfVuBwuQmXS6sgcBeDU1zfS0X3vfDpIugFN3pWg3q5WT_Pgvw/viewform?usp=sf_link>

Stay after lab if you are interested in joining the Mountain Region Steering Committee webinar at 8:00!

Please send donation requests!! Remember this will only be successful if everyone participates! If you have ANY questions or need help Anna is happy to help/answer questions.



Follow our club's pages on social media if you haven't already!

Instagram: @EWBPurdue

Twitter: @PurdueEWB

LinkedIn: Engineers Without Borders Purdue University


(PS: I’m giving a prize to the first person who tells me after PIGS whether pumpkin is a fruit or vegetable)


Cindy Jiang
Biological Engineering | Purdue University 2020
Engineers Without Borders | Vice President
jiang450 at purdue.edu | 812-201-5289

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