EWB-Purdue Purdue Day of Giving

Anna Veronica Rausch rausch0 at purdue.edu
Fri Apr 12 12:25:33 EDT 2019

Hey Everyone!

Hope you enjoyed my presentation in lab on Wednesday. As a reminder Purdue Day of Giving is on Thursday April 24th and I need EVERYONE to participate.

Here is the link to my presentation<https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1zHF9CT_c_DlKiy-qmEgNZHKHAinFVeGPtCHOVeQ_VkI/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=113786839638547454846> from lab. Please look through it again and think of ways you can help/participate! At the end of the presentation there is a link to the Purdue Day of Giving Toolkit that has a lot of helpful information and stuff to help create content.

In the next week I want everyone to email their friends and family telling them about Purdue Day of Giving and telling them to mark their calendars, so that when you post / email day of they know it was coming and are prepared to donate! I will send another email with the link and instructions on how to donate, but right now the link is not live so I do not have it.

Student Organization Challenges:

I truly believe this is where we have the potential to make the most amount of money, but again only if everyone participates!!

Here is the total list of challenges<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MQpEEbfspyK4j8UpSPwHKbQJw5pFMqwoO6dwBn_EKRg/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=113786839638547454846> (there is also a place to sign up if you know there is  and here is the list of the challenges I think we should focus on with some ideas:

  *   Most Spirited GIF / Video

     *   Fountain Run

     *   Drinking out of Lion’s Head

     *   Paul --> Morph Suit

  *   Most Creative Selfie

     *   With Neil Armstrong

     *   With Amelia Earhart

     *   With John Purdue

     *   With Block P

     *   Drinking out of Lions Head Fountain

     *   Purdue Pete statue (by Ross Ade)

     *   On football field

     *   In Mackey

     *   With boilermaker special

  *   Most Creative Pet Picture

     *   Dress dogs in Purdue gear

     *   Dogs with statues (Neil Armstrong, John Purdue, Block P, etc.)

  *   Singing Hail Purdue

     *   During Design meeting?????

  *   Most creative pic of kids

     *   Dress kids in Purdue gear

     *   Dogs with statues (Neil Armstrong, John Purdue, Block P, etc.)

  *   Most creative picture with logo
     *   Photoshop logo on to trip pictures

If you have any other creative ideas please do them and email them to me!! If there is more than one submission for a certain challenge (which would be a very good thing!!!) I'll pick the best one and then have the other submissions post from their regular account.

REMINDER: You must be on public for the day, tag EWB Purdue, and use the Purdue Day of Giving Hashtag (#PurdueDayOfGiving2019).

Can't Wait! Its going to be a lot of fun and hopefully we can raise a lot of money!!!

Thank you for making it to the end of this email!

Anna Rausch

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