EWB-Purdue EWB Weekly Update 4-9

Kathryn Anne Myers myers326 at purdue.edu
Tue Apr 9 23:09:26 EDT 2019

Hi everyone,

I hope you all are enjoying the great weather! Our next meeting is tomorrow, Wednesday the 10th, at 6:00 in ARMS 1109. There are a few announcements this week:

Announcements (4):

  *   Tomorrow, Anna will be talking in lab about the Purdue Day of Giving for about 10 minutes.
  *   Don't forget to help out with Expo this Thursday <https://engineering.purdue.edu/PSEF/expo/> from 10:30-12:30! This is a great opportunity to tell prospective engineers about the amazing work we do in EWB as they decide if engineering is right for them. If you are free, please let Anna know.
  *   Please fill out this survey<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScIInkhG3VASsATCnLl0KiCd-Z0mM8dBLZFjvkdt8etIvomyw/viewform?usp=sf_link> regarding Dr. Grillos' talk.
  *   Design Review is next week, April 17th. Below is a run-down of what is due:
     *   For your team, you will need to complete a Design Document and Design Review Slides, both due Friday, April 12th.
     *   For yourself, you will need to complete an Individual Evaluation Rubric<https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/purdue/team-documents/ier> and Peer Evaluations by April 24th. Peer Evaluations can be found on myEPICS. Please complete your Design Notebook by this time as well.

See you in lab!



Kathryn Myers

Purdue University '21

Biological Engineering | Arabic Language and Culture

myers326 at purdue.edu | (574) 276-3936
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