EWB-Purdue Weekly EWB Update Email - 9/19/18

Caitlyn Elaine Hopper hopperc at purdue.edu
Wed Sep 19 16:34:28 EDT 2018

Hey guys!

Important Announcements:

Our next meeting is tonight, Sept. 19th, from 6:00 - 7:50 pm.

If you are committing to the club, you will need to pay dues for either the fall semester ($15) or for the whole year ($25 - saves you $5). If you wish to pay in cash or by check, make the check out to "Engineers Without Borders" and give your money/check to Cindy during the meeting. If you have any questions about dues, please email Cindy at jiang450 at purdue.edu. You are now able to pay online as well: (https://www.coolfaces.net/TooCOOLPUWL/vECItemCatalogOrganizationItems/OrganizationItemsGallery.aspx?Organization=a%2b07RmwoT88%3d or search "Too Cool Purdue" then look up "Engineers Without Borders").

Sign up for our Remind 101 updates by texting @ewb123 to 81010 or follow this link: remind.com/join/ewb123!

We now have speakers scheduled at 6:15-7:00 pm for the lab dates September 26th ("Water Filtration" by Dr. Chad Javfert w/ student John Maiyo) and October 24th ("Cross-Culture Communication" by Margaret Hegwood). We also plan to have Dr. Zhi (George) Zhou speak on "Water Security", but we have not yet scheduled a date with him.

Follow our club's pages on social media if you haven't already! Instagram: @EWBPurdue/Twitter: @PurdueEWB/LinkedIn: "Engineers Without Borders Purdue University".

Our Teams' Progress:

Our Leadership Team are still working on advertisements/planning for the Halloween 5K scheduled for Oct. 20th at 8 am - which is now officially approved! They are also beginning to work on strategic financial/events/grants plans for the club to utilize for semesters to come.

Our Bolivia Technical Team is beginning to review interview data to asses water demand and discuss alternative line and storage locations.

Our Bolivia Cultural Team is sorting through photos from the trip to print and send them to the communities. They also created a document with interview data for the technical team.

Our Biogas Team is working on filling out paperwork, getting vaccines, and organizing their next trip to Uganda.

Our New Member Design Team is beginning the EPICS Design Process and researching ideas for a way for our water route to reach the more secluded areas of Colquechata.

Have a great week!

Best regards,

Caitlyn Hopper

Civil Engineering, Purdue University '21

Phone Number: 765-244-2090

Email: hopperc at purdue.edu
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