EWB-Purdue Weekly EWB Update Email - 9/11/18

Caitlyn Elaine Hopper hopperc at purdue.edu
Tue Sep 11 20:47:43 EDT 2018

Hey guys!

Important Announcements:

Our next meeting is tomorrow, Sept. 12th, from 6:00 - 7:50 pm.

If you are committing to the club, you will need to pay dues for either the fall semester ($15) or for the whole year ($25 - saves you $5). You are now able to pay online as well. Cindy, our treasurer, should be giving instructions over how to do that during the meeting tomorrow. If you wish to pay in cash or by check, make the check out to "Engineers Without Borders" and give your money/check to Cindy during the meeting. If you have any questions about dues, please email Cindy at jiang450 at purdue.edu.

Bolivia Technical, Bolivia Cultural, and Biogas Teams, please designate one person to become a sort of "go-to" that is well updated with your team's progress that could help answer Samyu (Grants Head) and Cindy's  (Treasurer) questions as they fill out grant applications or other documents throughout the semester.

Follow our club's page on social media if you haven't already! Instagram: @EWBPURDUE

Our Teams' Progress:

Our Leadership Team scheduled a speaker on "Cross-Culture Communication" for October 24th. They are also working on advertisements/planning for the Halloween 5K currently scheduled for Oct. 20th at 8 am. Additionally, they are working diligently to complete grant applications for our club.

Our Bolivia Technical Team is working to research, analyze, and establish projects to pursue including capturing the spring, the pipeline route, the water storage tank, and home distribution.

Our Bolivia Cultural Team is making awesome progress in organizing and inputting data from interviews with the community of Colquechata. They will then work on pulling out data necessary for the Bolivia Technical Team.

Our Biogas Team is working on filling out paperwork and organizing their next trip to Uganda.

Our New Member Design Team is beginning the EPICS Design Process and researching ideas for a way for our water route to reach the more secluded areas of Colquechata.

Have a great week!

Best regards,

Caitlyn Hopper

Civil Engineering, Purdue University '21

Phone Number: 765-244-2090

Email: hopperc at purdue.edu
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