EWB-Purdue EWB Weekly Update

Anna Veronica Rausch rausch0 at purdue.edu
Tue Sep 4 12:43:11 EDT 2018

Hello Everyone!

Our next meeting is Wed September 5th (Tomorrow!) from 6-7:50.

In this email:

1) Dues

2) Member Pictures

3) Request from Cindy

4) Elections

Just a reminder that everyone needs to pay their dues if you are committed to be in this club for the rest of semester / year. It is $25 for the whole year and $15 for the semester (you save $5 if you pay for the whole year, its a bargain!). Give the money to Cindy at the beginning of the meeting. As of right now dues can still only be payed in cash or check, checks can be made out to "Engineers Without Borders". If you have any questions about dues email Cindy, jiang450 at purdue.edu

Don't forget! If you are on an epics team or on the leadership come to the meeting with your best smiling face because we are doing member pictures for the website! You do not have to wear anything specific but solid colors work best. New members do not have to worry about this.

If there are any members who are a part of the American Institute of Chemical Engineering (AICHe), Ameircan Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), or the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (SME) please contact Cindy at the beginning of lab or email her (email above).

One last thing! The results of our new officer positions have been determined. Congratulations to Katelyn Hopper the new Vice President and Ed Hutchinson the new Events / Fundraising Head! Also thank you to everyone for being patient during all the changes in the past couple weeks!

See you all in lab!

Anna Rausch

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