EWB-Purdue EWB Officer Elections

Edward Hutchinson hutchie at purdue.edu
Sat Sep 1 20:35:44 EDT 2018

Hi Amanda,

Here is my application:

Hello, my name is Ed Hutchinson, and I’m a member of the Bolivia Technical Team. I’m running for the position of Head of Fundraising and Events. I believe I’m the best candidate for this position for two reasons: I’ve been heavily invested in EWB’s Bolivia project since last semester, and I have experience in TEDxPurdueU as Marketing Chair, so I have experience with marketing and event planning. To expand on my first reason, I was a member of the Bolivia Travel Team last May, and I’ve been a member of the Bolivia Technical Team since Spring 2018. As a result of the trip, I’ve found myself heavily invested in the project and EWB as a whole. I would be honored to be put in charge of fundraising and events so that our chapter can grow to its full potential. And as I mentioned, I have extensive experience in this line of club work. I’m currently the Marketing Chair of TEDxPurdueU, which organizes large TEDx conferences that raise thousands of dollars every year, and much of my position includes organizing events to raise awareness of our chapter and our events. I organized for us to be in the B-Involved Fair this past summer, which resulted in the acquisition of nearly 500 emails for updates about events and our callout, which I also helped organize. Ultimately, I’m very confident that as Fundraising/Events Chair, I will make a dramatic impact on both the membership and funding of Purdue’s Chapter of EWB. Thank you for your consideration.

-Ed Hutchinson

Edward Hutchinson
Lyles School of Civil Engineering
Purdue University | Class of 2020
hutchie at purdue.edu | (571) 201-6721
From: Ewb-list <ewb-list-bounces at ecn.purdue.edu> on behalf of Amanda Marie Lefebvre <alefebvr at purdue.edu>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 11:06:33 AM
To: ewb-list at ecn.purdue.edu
Cc: Kaushik B Manchella; Claire A Sigworth
Subject: EWB-Purdue EWB Officer Elections

Good morning everyone,
As I mentioned in lab there are two positions on the leadership team that need to be filled. We are looking for candidates who have been enrolled in EPICS for at least one semester to fill the VP and fundraising/events positions. If you are interested in running for either of those, please email me by 10:00 on Saturday night with a summary of why you think you would be a good fit and a picture of yourself. The ballots will go out on Sunday morning for the leadership team to vote and it will close Monday night at 8:00. If you have any questions please let me know.
Best regards,
Amanda Lefebvre

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