EWB-Purdue EWB Week 11

Shawn Edward Makulec smakulec at purdue.edu
Fri Oct 27 10:35:52 EDT 2017

Hello all!

This week:

  *   A survey from the executive officers
  *   New structure changes for next semester.  This affects everyone in the club!  It's long but important
  *   Officer changes, and elections are in less than two weeks: Monday 11/6!
  *   The plan for Monday's meeting
  *   A link to the team calendar

The executive officers have a survey for all EWB-Purdue members to fill out as part of the transitions explained below.  Everyone, please fill out the survey here <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1tji0EtBPnT3ekwDBwE1N8qDoOgCOwJgATx0g2Wiylc8/viewform?edit_requested=true> by the Monday 10/30 meeting.

This semester, our executive officers and advisors have been hard at work devising a new structure for EWB-Purdue.  As some of you may know, this semester we tried a different structure for the team, with the understanding that we would form a more permanent structure before adopting a new program.  The changes have been approved by our officers and advisors, and will go into effect for the Spring '18 semester.  This structure will remain in place for the next five years (the minimum length of a program commitment).  Here <https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-ckIxXsxZwmbHROcWQ4NkNfM2c/view?usp=sharing> is a link to the latest version of our updated constitution, which I recommend you all read.  The highlights are as follows:

  *   All returning EWB members will enroll in EPICS.  This means that in a given semester, anyone who wants to return to EWB will need to be enrolled in EPICS for at least one credit.  (Anyone of any major is able and encouraged to join EPICS.)  Members new to the EPICS team will need to fill out an application.
  *   Officers will form the leadership design team, and will receive EPICS credit for fulfilling their roles as expressed in the officer responsibilities document here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_uga1_lDiP4UHZ_JL2qMGxnd6xlC5en3wEt_qFwFCNY/edit?usp=sharing>.  Several officer positions have changed-- there is more info on this below.
  *   We are continuing the program where first-semester members will work on small-scale design projects, as they have this semester.
  *   Our chapter will use Google Drive for all semester work and EPICS notebooks, following a set template and organizational structure.  All documents considered important will be backed up on the team SharePoint at least twice a semester.

I'm sure many of you will have questions about this.  Feel free to speak to or email any of the executive officers, and we will be more than happy to go over things.  This was just a general overview-- there is considerably more detail in the constitution.  We'll also go over this during the Monday 10/30 meeting.

Alongside these structure changes: officer elections will be happening during the Monday 11/6 meeting!  Nominations will open Monday 10/30 and run through Friday 11/3.  (Look for a separate email on Monday about nominations.)  Part of our structure change includes different officer positions.  Key points:

  *   Executive officers will now be the President, Vice-President, Project Manager, and Treasurer.
  *   The rest of the leadership team will include the Media/Webmaster and Event/Fundraising Organizer for a total of six positions.  All officers must be EPICS members.
  *   All of these positions except Project Manager (and design leads) will be elected, as in the past.
  *   Grants will be handled by grant writers within each design team, as grant writing requires project-specific knowledge.
  *   Responsibilities for all of these positions are in the officer responsibilities document here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_uga1_lDiP4UHZ_JL2qMGxnd6xlC5en3wEt_qFwFCNY/edit?usp=sharing>.

Several of our officers are going on study abroad next semester.  This means there will be quite a few officer positions with no one running for reelection-- if you're interested in EWB and want to move up, this is a good time to apply.  Executive positions are only open to students already in EWB leadership roles, but the other positions are open to anyone!  (You should know that our advisors do get final approval on all officers.)

This Monday 10/30, we will be meeting as usual in ARMS B098 from 6:00PM - 8:00PM.  We'll have an update on the structure changes above, and then the team will be meeting in committees.  After committee meetings, we'll be splitting up into the new member design projects and EPICS teams.

Here's <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=k6adasfa5cutbnmsfkr76qvcuk%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/New_York> our team calendar, like usual.

That's everything!  I'll see you all on Monday at the meeting.


Shawn Makulec

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