EWB-Purdue Officer Elections

Shawn Edward Makulec smakulec at purdue.edu
Mon Oct 30 19:16:32 EDT 2017

Hello everyone!

It's that time of the semester-- officer elections.  Elections will be held next Monday (11/6) during the chapter meeting.  All members who have paid dues are eligible to vote in the election.

Nominations are going to be open from tonight through Friday morning at 10:00 AM.  After nominations close, everyone who has been nominated will be notified and can accept or decline the nomination.  Members who choose to accept the nomination will need to send me a paragraph on why they believe they are the best candidate, and will speak briefly at the Monday 11/6 meeting.

Please note that accepting a nomination for an officer position means agreeing to enroll in EWB-EPICS next semester, and that only members with previous EWB-Purdue leadership experience can run for executive positions.  Positions are a single semester commitment, and seniors with one semester left are eligible to run for positions.

Here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_uga1_lDiP4UHZ_JL2qMGxnd6xlC5en3wEt_qFwFCNY/edit> is the link to the officer responsibilities document, and here <https://goo.gl/forms/NigjuXDSgIAtKgdE3> is the link to the nominations survey.


Shawn Makulec
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