EWB-Purdue EWB Week 10

Shawn Edward Makulec smakulec at purdue.edu
Sun Oct 22 21:36:18 EDT 2017

Hello all!

In this week's email:

  *   Tomorrow night's meeting
  *   Elections coming up
  *   Info on the 5K
  *   Link to our team calendar

Tomorrow night's meeting will be in ARMS B098 at 6:00, as usual.  There will be an educational activity on failure modes in international development, and the new member team will be working on their mini design project.

Officer elections are coming up!  If you're considering running for an officer position but have questions, find any of the officers and ask.  Please note that to run for an executive position you must already be holding an officer position.

Today was the EWB 5K!  We had 14 runners, which was a great success for our first run.  Thanks to our events head, Hannah Fowler, and all our volunteers!

Here's <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=k6adasfa5cutbnmsfkr76qvcuk%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/New_York> our team calendar, the place to go for all our EWB happenings.

That's everything-- see everyone at the meeting tomorrow!


Shawn Makulec

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