EWB-Purdue EWB EPICS lab time preference

Lauren Jayne Reuland lreuland at purdue.edu
Thu Mar 23 13:05:58 EDT 2017

Hi all!

We are trying to figure out when to schedule the two hour EPICS lab next semester and wanted to see what times you would prefer. If you intend to be on the EPICS team next semester, please fill out this form by the end of the week! If you don't intend to be on the EPICS team you can ignore this.


EPICS lab time preference<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScl15MkBN3DJWCJ_ET3iFj_UghEsq5mBEEiiTkSqLyOo9h83g/viewform?usp=sf_link>
If you intend to be on the EPICS team next semester, please fill out this form on your preferences for the 2 hour lab slot


Lauren Reuland


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