EWB-Purdue EWB - Springblast Volunteering

Sean Michael McCrohan smccroha at purdue.edu
Wed Mar 22 08:40:53 EDT 2017

Hey everyone!

Some of you may remember last fall when we helped with Winterization, helping getting local community member's homes ready for the winter. Well, the spring version of that event, Spring Blast, is coming up, and is a great opportunity. It would entail going around to local community member's homes, and doing various tasks they may have trouble with, such as yard work. It's not very hard work, but is very rewarding, and they provide a free lunch after!

The event is on Saturday, April 1st, and will run from 9 am until 2 pm (at the latest). If you would like to register, fill out the link below. This is an official Spring Blast form, not an EWB specific form, so please put Engineers Without Borders as your organization name so they can group us together!


We had a lot of fun last fall with Winterization, and I think we can have an even better turnout for Spring Blast this semester!


Sean McCrohan

smccroha at purdue.edu

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