EWB-Purdue EWB Week 2

Shawn Edward Makulec smakulec at purdue.edu
Tue Jan 17 17:13:46 EST 2017

Hello, all!

I hope the first week of your semester has gone well!  This is an update/schedule for the next week or so, as there's quite a bit going on and we're all still adjusting to the schedule this semester.

First off, don't forget to submit your travel team applications by Thursday at 5pm. See Seth's previous email for the application and sign up for interview slots!

If you're a chapter member of EWB (not in EPICS) please remember that we will only be having committee meetings this week, NOT a full Chapter meeting.  If you don't see your committee on this schedule, or if you're not on a committee yet, don't worry-- committees will really get going after the callout.  We'll cover that during the 1/25 Chapter meeting.

Are you interested in being head of the grant writing committee?  Send either Seth or me an email!  This is a very important role on our team, and is a great way to become more involved in EWB. All members can apply.

Our callout is this Thursday!  Invite your friends and help EWB grow.  There's going to be pizza, too.

On to the schedule:

Tuesday, 1/17:
Biogas Team meeting, 6:00-7:00 PM, ARMS 1098C.

Wednesday, 1/18:
Water Team meeting: 5:00-6:00 PM, ARMS 3115.
EPICS Lab:  6:00-7:50 PM, ARMS 1098C.  Note-- there is no Chapter meeting this week!

Thursday, 1/19:
Events Committee meeting:  5:30 PM, ARMS basement, by Amelia's.
CALLOUT!  7:00 PM, WTHR 104.  A reminder that all officers are asked to attend, and any other EWB members are welcome.

Monday, 1/23:
Future Directions meeting, 7:00 PM, ARMS 1098C.

Wednesday, 1/25:
Chapter meeting, 6:00 PM, ARMS B098-2.  Among other things, we'll be going over details for committees.
EPICS Lab, -7:50 PM.

Have a great week!


Shawn Makulec

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