EWB-Purdue May Travel Applications and interviews.

Seth Lindley slindle at purdue.edu
Fri Jan 13 10:45:54 EST 2017

Hi All,


Great meeting on Wednesday! Here is the travel application I spoke about
during the meeting.  As a reminder, here are the details of the trip.  If
you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.


Dates: May 8th - May 17th 

Required to be a member of EWB, but not required to be on the EPICS team

Cost: Approximately $1,200

This will be a 2 credit study abroad trip.


The travel team will be required to attend 5 pre-travel meetings, and will
be expected to do some additional work in preparation for the trip.  Sue
Khalifah, whom you may have met last night or previously will be the Purdue
representative on the trip, and will be accompanied by Roger Ward, our EWB
professional mentor.  The goal of the trip will be to interface with our
partners in Nakyenyi, Uganda, and to complete construction of the biogas
digester.  We will be completing startup during this trip as well.


Applications:  Please complete the attached application and send them back
to me no later than Thursday, January 19th.


Interviews:  Sign up for an interview slot by following the link below.  Let
me know if you have a conflict with these times, or if all of the timeslots
fill up.  We can open up more availability for interviews.



All the Best,


Seth Lindley

Purdue University

Lyles School of Civil Engineering

(812) 603-2572

slindle at purdue.edu


The mission of Engineers Without Borders USA  is to build a better world
through engineering projects that empower communities to meet their basic
human needs and equip leaders to solve the world's most pressing challenges.

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