EWB-Purdue EWB Epics Team Applications

Esther Florence Roselaar eroselaa at purdue.edu
Tue Aug 22 20:10:22 EDT 2017


We’re really excited to be working on selecting a new project and continuing our work on the biogas digester project in Uganda. Yesterday we had our first meeting for Epics team members, but we had fewer people than we had expected. Below is an application to be on the Epics team for this semester (Fall 2017). Since the semester has already started, there will be a short turn around time. The applications will be due this Friday at 5pm and you will hear back about whether you’ve been selected by the next day. I strongly encourage anyone who has been involved in EWB in the past to join the Epics team as it is a great opportunity to get more involved and invested in the design work.

Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfpMK1NLAGRUgXwXIAC9vYUU0UdAkDddWHMJioYZYErR0fSfQ/viewform

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