EWB-Purdue Intercultural Competence Course

Elena Anne Marty van Hove evanhove at purdue.edu
Mon Aug 21 16:09:54 EDT 2017

Hi all,

I just wanted to share that Purdue is hosting a free online intercultural competence course. Hundreds of people from around the world are participating. The course is four weeks long with a time commitment of less than 3 hours a week. It's a really great opportunity open to anyone that's interested (not just students) and especially relevant to the work we do in EWB. The purpose is to learn more about cultural differences, why those differences are valuable, and how to more effectively interact with people who have different cultural backgrounds.

The first course round begins today, August 21st, but you can sign up for later dates too. Please find the link below where you can learn more about the course and how to sign up.





Massive open online course to focus on intercultural ...<https://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/purduetoday/releases/2017/Q3/massive-open-online-course-to-focus-on-intercultural-competence.html>
Purdue University Digital and Professional Education, the Center for Instructional Excellence and ITAP have teamed up to offer a free massive open online course in ...

Elena van Hove

Purdue University

Electrical Engineering Undergraduate

evanhove at purdue.edu
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