EWB-Purdue EWB: Week 2

Shawn Edward Makulec smakulec at purdue.edu
Sun Aug 27 22:06:33 EDT 2017

Hello, all!

In this email:

  *   Overview on structure this semester
  *   Updates on our callouts
  *   Info on committees (selection this week!)
  *   Details on our meeting this week
  *   Officer meeting reminder

A reminder that this semester, our club is on an alternating structure with A/B weeks.  Both weeks we will be meeting on Mondays at 6:00 PM in ARMS B098, the i2i Design Studio.  Our structure will be:
Week A:

Educational Materials (~30-45min)

  1.  Design Team PIGS

  2.  Design Teams Meet (rest of lab)

Week B:

Committee PIGS
Committee Work - as needed (up to ~45 min)
Design Team PIGS
  *   Design Teams Meet (rest of lab

A brief overview on team roles this semester:

  *   EPICS members:

     *   Must have served one semester in EWB (non-EPICS)

     *   Must be on a design team

     *   Must be on a committee

  *   Non-EPICS EWB members:

     *   No need for EWB experience prior

     *   Must be on a committee if not on exec board

     *   Can choose to be on a design team (requires full semester commitment)

We now have TWO callout dates!  Our callouts are September 6th and 7th, at 7:00 PM in FRNY G140.  There's going to be FREE PIZZA! Make sure to come represent the club, and bring friends.  Don't forget that all majors are welcome!

This Monday, we will be selecting committees.  With out new structure, all EWB members are asked to join a committee, including EPICS members.  Some info on our committees:

  *   Media committee, Sean McCrohan: The media committee is in charge of the online aspects of the club. As a member of the media committee, you will be doing things such as updating our social media pages regularly, and promoting EWB events. We are also in charge of the EWB website, and will be working to get it up to date this semester, and to make it a better source of information for people curious about EWB. We also handle any other digital or online needs that the club may have, such as the new logo that was designed last semester. If you would like to have a part in developing EWB's online outreach, or if you have experience in webpage design, then this is the committee for you!
  *   Events Committee, Hannah Fowler: As the Events Committee head I work on scheduling social events for the club. This semester I hope to have one small social event, and one larger event, hopefully the 5K. We will likely have a meeting every other week this semester.
  *   Fundraising Committee, Riley Boris:  The goal of the fundraising committee is to generate interest and acquire additional funding for the chapter by putting on smaller, more frequent events. Examples of ideas for fundraising events for the upcoming semester include selling lemonade/hot chocolate, cookies, candy grams, etc.
  *   Grants Committee, Margaret Levell: As the tile suggests the Grants Committee works on grants. We mainly write reports for previous grants awarded to us and we apply for new grants. It’s a great way to get experience with documentation and grant writing (most engineers and scientists apply for grants all the time!) We’re mainly busy 2 or 3 times a semester, so it’s easy to be one this committee and others. Although we’re still moving on to a new project, Grants still has other reports and funding to do so it won’t be boring. If you enjoy writing or want professional experience, the Grant Committee is a great way to help EWB.

This Monday will be an "A-Week" educational meeting.  Our travel team will be updating the chapter on this past summer's trip to Nakyenyi.  Come hear about what happened!  ALL chapter members are strongly encouraged to attend this week, as there will be a lot going on.  There will be an officer meeting after chapter.

That's everything for the week-- see you all on Monday!



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