EWB-Purdue Uganda Travel Email Campaign

Abhinav Yerraguntala ayerragu at purdue.edu
Tue Apr 18 10:18:45 EDT 2017

Hi Everyone,

As you know the Uganda trip is coming up soon, and we need to do everything we can to make sure we're well-funded for the trip. Given below is the email for our Uganda Travel Email Campaign. Please send this out to people who you believe will support our cause. Feel free to add any personal stories you may have with EWB and please make sure you sign your name at the end.

If you guys have any questions please let me know at ayerragu at purdue.edu


Sai Yerraguntala



The Engineers without Borders - Purdue Chapter, or EWB is looking to raise funds for its upcoming trip to Nakyenyi, Uganda. EWB Purdue is an affiliated and accredited chapter to the non-profit organization, Engineers without Borders. The chapter has been working to design and implement a biogas digester for a vocational school in Nakyenyi, Uganda, as a way to give the school a reliable source of gas to cook with. This summer, the team is returning to finalize the generator and to start energy production for the community. In order to fund our upcoming trip to Uganda, we are looking to raise funds to help cover the expenses on this trip, ranging from travel costs to the material costs of the final parts required for the digester.

If you are able to help us with our goal of bringing a sustainable energy source to a community who desperately needs it, please donate to our fundraising page at https://support.ewb-usa.org/events/purdue-university-chapter/e84012. Any amount helps and we greatly appreciate it! Thank you for helping us make a difference in the world.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at purdueuniversity at chapters-ewb-usa.org.

Engineers Without Borders USA - Purdue University

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