EWB-Purdue General Meeting Recap

Andrew Brinton Lang lang18 at purdue.edu
Thu Sep 15 10:20:51 EDT 2016

Hi everyone!

This email contains a summary of the (09/014/2016) General Meeting for EWB Purdue

1. Update from the EPICS Team
2. Explanation of  Committees and Design Teams
3. Discussion “Why did you join EWB?”
4. Sign up for committees and design teams.

The Powerpoint for the meeting is attached.
1. If you didn’t attend the callout I have attached the powerpoint to this email
2. If you are still confused about the process for joining epics, we will cover that again.
Concerning Design Team and Committee Sing Up
I am very excited to have a great many of you sing up for committees and design teams. The officers and I are working on a structure that will give everybody a chance to do important work. Details for this should come around Sunday evening.
There were two young ladies who approached me at the end of the meeting. One about video editing and another about a 5-k. I forgot to tell you to email me. I would like to talk to you about it.

NEXT MEETING  is on Wednesday. I’ll send a reminder on Sunday evening.



General Meeting 1

Thank you all for coming out. I think it is going to be a great semester!

Andrew Lang
Purdue Student
Aerospace Engineering
EWB Purdue Vice President
E-mail lang18 at purdue.edu<mailto:lang18 at purdue.edu>
Phone (+1-302-463-2343)

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