EWB-Purdue EWB General Meeting 2

Andrew Brinton Lang lang18 at purdue.edu
Sun Sep 18 21:42:02 EDT 2016

Hi everyone,

Andrew here. Just wanted to remind everyone that the next general meeting is on Wednesday 09/21/2016 at 6:00PM in ARMS 2028.

Tentative agenda:

Any remaining questions?

Travel Team presentations (Maybe)

Introduction to Culture Presentiations

Committee Work (Maybe this depends on if the committee heads have any work planned)

Thats all I got for now. I hope you all had an awesome weekend!

See you at the meeting!

Andrew Lang
Andrew Lang
Purdue Student
Aerospace Engineering
EWB Purdue Vice President
E-mail lang18 at purdue.edu<mailto:lang18 at purdue.edu>
Phone (+1-302-463-2343)

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