EWB-Purdue Greetings from EWB Purdue

Seth Lindley slindle at purdue.edu
Thu Sep 15 08:37:17 EDT 2016



Welcome to the Engineers Without Borders, Purdue chapter email list.  This
email list will be used to make announcements about meetings, events, and
project updates.  This email list includes general members (including EPICS
members), advisors, and involved parties.  


If you would not like to continue receiving these emails, you may
unsubscribe at this link:



To all members, thanks for coming out last night! We had such a good turn
out, we will be looking for a bigger room to host meetings in weeks to come!




Seth Lindley

Purdue University

Lyles School of Civil Engineering

EWB Purdue | President

(812) 603-2572

slindle at purdue.edu


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