EWB-Purdue EWB Update

Andrew Brinton Lang lang18 at purdue.edu
Wed Nov 30 20:52:51 EST 2016

Hi all,

So we just finished up our last meeting! I think we all did a solid job this semester and Im looking forward to seeing where things go in the next semester!

Just three things to note

1) Our structure will look different next year. See the attached google slides to review that.

2) EPICS applications are due THIS FRIDAY at 11:59PM after that we wound be able to consider anybody for the EPICS team. We should get back to you about who is accepted by finals week.

3) T-shirts will come in during finals week, if you can’t pick them up then, we will be able to get them next semester.

That’s all I have thanks for all the hard work this semester I really think we are going places.

As always email me with any questions or concerns,

Best luck for finals,

Andrew Lang

P.S  TELL ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS TO JOIN NEXT SEMESTER because what we do is low key kinda awesome.

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