EWB-Purdue Winterization updates

Seth Lindley slindle at purdue.edu
Tue Nov 1 10:57:09 EDT 2016

Hi All!


If you haven't heard, we will be participating in Winterization this
Saturday!  See Camila's marching orders attached below.  


Turns out, we have more volunteers signed up than we have cars registered
which is a great problem! It is, however, a problem. As this is a Purdue
sanctioned activity, and I assume they will insist on things like seatbelts,
closed doors, and other such nonsense. If you have a car, but were afraid of
letting Andrew anywhere near it, fear not, he has already called shotgun in
my car. 


To register your car, you can email Winterization
(info at purduewinterization.org <mailto:info at purduewinterization.org>  ), and
let them know you mean business.


If you haven't registered yet because you're a busy college student, and
just can't find the time to register, let me tell you it will be the easiest
thing you do this week!

No seriously, as long as you can remember your email without having to look
it up in the Purdue directory, it will probably take less time than reading
this ridiculous email.


Just in case: https://www.purdue.edu/directory/


Signing off,

Seth Lindley

Purdue EWB | President





From: Ewb-list [mailto:ewb-list-bounces at ecn.purdue.edu] On Behalf Of Camila
Alexandra Llerena
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2016 10:52 PM
To: ewb-list at ecn.purdue.edu
Subject: EWB-Purdue Winterization


Hello everyone,


EWB will be participating in Winterization this year! It's a huge community
service event where various organizations help out the elderly in Tippecanoe
county by preparing their homes and yards. It will occur on November 5th
from 9am-1pm. We will meet at St. Thomas Aquinas at around 8:30am and return
to the Welsey Foundation at 1:00pm. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.


For more information, check out their website:
<http://www.purduewinterization.org/> http://www.purduewinterization.org/


If you are interested, sign up here: 



Make sure sure that you are signed up to Wave 2 and EWB!


Please let me know if you are volunteering so I can get a head count.



Camila Llerena


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