[Ewb-list] EWB Update - 9/16/2015

Emily P Briggs briggs3 at purdue.edu
Wed Sep 16 15:36:37 EDT 2015

Hey Everyone,

Sorry for the late e-mail!  Thank you to everyone who attended the general meeting last week.  I am so excited for the opportunity to work with you all this semester!  

Last week we went through the differences between EWB General Members and EWB EPICS and the requirements to become a part of the EPICS Team.  The requirements are shown below:

Requirements to join the EWB EPICS Team:
Attendance to General Meetings: (1 pt. each) - ***Attend 10 general meetings (10 pts)
Participation in Club Fundraiser: (3 pt. each) - ***Participate in 3 club fundraisers (9 pts)
Culture Presentation: (5 pt.) - ***Create, present, and watch Uganda culture presentation (5 pts)
Organizing & Running of Fundraiser: (10 pt.) – ***Participate in this or Grant Discovery (10 pts)
Assisting with Grant Application: (3 pt.) - ***Assist in the writing of 1 grant (3 pts.)
Discovery & Application of Grant: (10 pt.) – ***Participate in this or Organizing Fundraiser
Participation in Assessment Team Meetings: (1 pt.) – ***Attend 10 assessment team meetings (10 pts)

Members are required to earn a minimum of 45 pts by the end of the semester to be qualified to apply for the EPICS team.
*** = Recommended Points to Achieve 45 points – Total Recommended (47 pts.)


Announcements of Upcoming Events:
Next General Meeting
When: Thursday September 16th @ 6:30 PM
Where: HAMP 3144
Contact: Emily Briggs – briggs3 at purdue.edu

This upcoming meeting we will be discussing the ins and outs of setting up a fundraiser.  I hope to see you there!

Coldstone Fundraiser
When: September 17th and 18th @ 11 AM -4:30 PM
Where: Outside Class ‘50
Contact: Rachel Lucas – lucas27 at purdue.edu

Sign-Up for the Fundraisers will be at the general meeting near the sign-in and will also be sent out via e-mail later this week.  Volunteer an hour of your time or just come out and have some coldstone ice cream for $2 a cup!  Spread the word!

I will be set up a google drive folder for all the completed work this semester.  This all contains the call-out powerpoint and all the general meeting powerpoints.  The link to the drive is shown below:

Let me know if the link doesn't work or if you have trouble accessing the folder.  

Club Dues
Its that time of year again!  Time to pay your dues!
EWB-USA membership:
$30 for year
$25 for semester
Purdue Chapter membership: $20 for year

Email or speak to Andrew Lang (lang18 at purdue.edu) if you have any questions.

Any questions, don't hesitate to ask!  See you tonight!


Emily Briggs

Senior Chemical Engineering
Purdue University
Vice President of EWB
Purdue Chapter
briggs3 at purdue.edu

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