[Ewb-list] Weekly Update - 9/9/2015

Emily P Briggs briggs3 at purdue.edu
Wed Sep 9 02:54:39 EDT 2015

Hey Everyone,

Thank you to everyone who came out for the call outs this week!  I am so excited to begin working with you this semester!  For those of you who were not able to make it out, or missed the chance to write down an e-mail or a date, I am attaching the PowerPoint presentation we went through. 

Announcements of Upcoming Events:
First General Meeting
When: Wednesday September 9th @ 6:30 PM
Where: HAMP 3144
Contact: Emily Briggs – briggs3 at purdue.edu

We will be going over how to complete the requirements of the general members and the upcoming plans for this semester!  I hope to see you there!

Coldstone Fundraiser
When: September 17th and 18th @ 11 AM -4:30 PM
Where: Outside Class ‘50
Contact: Rachel Lucas – lucas27 at purdue.edu

Sign-Up for the Fundraisers will be at the general meeting near the sign-in and will also be sent out via e-mail later this week.  Volunteer an hour of your time or just come out and have some coldstone ice cream for $2 a cup!  Spread the word!

I will be setting up a google drive folder for all the completed work this semester.  This will be e-mailed out to everyone later this week.  This folder will contain copies of all the work completed during this period, all presentations given, and all general meeting notes.

Club Dues
Its that time of year again!  Time to pay your dues!
EWB-USA membership:
$30 for year
$25 for semester
Purdue Chapter membership: $20 for year

Email or speak to Andrew Lang (lang18 at purdue.edu) if you have any questions.

Hope you guys all had an awesome Labor Day Weekend!  Any questions, don't hesitate to ask!  See you tomorrow!


Emily Briggs

Senior Chemical Engineering
Purdue University
Vice President of EWB
Purdue Chapter
briggs3 at purdue.edu

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