[Ewb-list] Cold Stone Fundraiser

lucas27 at purdue.edu lucas27 at purdue.edu
Wed Sep 16 21:18:08 EDT 2015

Hi everyone!

Don't forget to come to our Cold Stone ice cream fundraiser! We'll be outside of CL 50 tomorrow and Friday throughout the day. Tell your friends to stop by. It's only $2 a cup and half the money goes to EWB!

If you're volunteering I attached the sign-ups in case you want to check which shift you signed up for. It's not updated with the people who signed up tonight but hopefully you can remember when you signed up for. 

** The first shift tomorrow (10:45 am - 11:30 am) has been cancelled because we are now unable to get the freezer until 11:30 am. The rest of the shifts will remain unchanged. 

Let me know if you have any questions. Enjoy the rest of your week!


Rachel Lucas
EWB Publicity and Events Officer
Senior AAE/PHYS 
Purdue University

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