[Ewb-list] Fwd: Help publicizing a quasi-PUGC Research sub-committee event?

cverhoff at purdue.edu cverhoff at purdue.edu
Mon Mar 5 12:58:35 EST 2012

Hi EWBers,

Below is a forwarded message about the event "Human Dimension of Environmental Research Meet and Greet" sponsored by the Global Sustainability Initiative. It has been requested that members of EWB be present next Wednesday to represent our club. Please attend if possible! There will be wine and cheese provided afterwards!

Chrissy Verhoff
Communications Manager

Hi Dean Jamieson, 

I am hoping you can help publicize an event that I organized. Next Wednesday the Global Sustainability Initiative is sponsoring a "Human Dimension of Environmental Research Meet and Greet" as a way of bringing together researchers and other interested folks on campus to begin building this community. Many of us attending the event will be social scientists, but I hope to recruit a lot of engineers to the HDR community since many work at solving coupled human-environmental problems. Specifically, I am thinking about EPICS, the GEP, and the Engineers Without Borders group on campus. Technical solutions related to human/environmental problems are most successful when designed with an understanding of the social, cultural and political systems in which they are embedded. At the very least, I hope that by connecting the HDR community on campus we can begin a more robust dialogue across disciplines and colleges. Can I talk you into using your bully pulpit to help promote the event!

Thanks much! And of course, you are more than welcome to come. A wine and cheese reception will follow the 'Meet and Greet'. The attached flier has all of the details and a web-link to RSVP. 

Elizabeth McNie 
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