[Ewb-list] Papachacra trip application

Day, Alexander K daya at purdue.edu
Sun Apr 25 15:01:17 EDT 2010

Hi everyone,

Attached is the application for those of you who would like to go on the implantation trip. Please note that you must pay dues to qualify. You may either fill out and email the application back to daya at purdue.edu<mailto:daya at purdue.edu> with "Papachacra Application" in the subject or fill out the online version here:

The hard deadline for the application is Saturday, May 1st at 11:59 PM.

Alexander Day
President, Engineers Without Borders
Undergraduate Student Aid, Global Engineering Program
Purdue University
Civil Engineering Building, Room 1259
daya at purdue.edu<mailto:daya at purdue.edu>

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