[ESW] Last FOOTBALL RECYCLING opportunity Saturday morning and afternoon

Christian D Cambron ccambron at purdue.edu
Fri Nov 16 18:32:53 EST 2018

Hello everyone! Just some information on your last opportunity to participate in football recycling this semester:

 You get to choose which volunteer experience most interests you!
1)    You can volunteer with our Tailgate Team for 3 hours before the game. You will be traveling to the different tailgate sites, distributing recycling bags, and engaging with fans.
a.    As an incentive, you will receive a free ticket to the game!
2)    You can volunteer as a Stadium Goalie during the football game. You will be stationed at one of the new Waste Stations in the stadium helping fans properly separate their recycling and landfill waste. You can choose to work either the first half, the second half, or both!

a.    As a part of this role, you will have admission to the game, so if you decide to only volunteer for one half, you’ll be able to watch the other half.

The game is at 3:30 p.m. and we are asking that you arrive to the tent at 11 a.m. (this is not a typo) for tailgate recycling or at 3 p.m. for in-stadium recycling. As always, let me know if you want to help out! If you have any questions or concerns, email me at ccambron at purdue.edu or text me at 8126971649, or GroupMe me! I cannot make it to this last recycling opportunity, but we need to show up as an org for this one!

Thanks you all,

Christian Cambron

Purdue University Class of 2020

Bachelor's Candidate for Environmental and Ecological Engineering & Spanish Language and Culture

Purdue Exponent, Assistant Campus Editor

Engineers for a Sustainable World, President

ccambron at purdue.edu
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