[ESW] ESW general meeting TOMORROW

egarnier at purdue.edu egarnier at purdue.edu
Mon Sep 17 16:37:18 EDT 2012

Hey everyone, 

I hope you all had a great weekend. As announced last time, the meeting this week will not be on Thursday. 
We are meeting tomorrow: 

Tuesday Sept 18th 
4:30 pm ME 1051 

Please note the time change. The reason for meeting on Tuesday is that we are trying to accomodate as many schedules as possible. 
We will talk a little bit more about our projects and start planning specific project meetings and discussing project leaders. 
If you did not put your name down last week for a specific project, do so tomorrow so we can keep track of everyone's interests. 
We will also be introducing the three new officers at the meeting. 
As always, meeting notes will be sent out for those can't make it. 

I hope to see you all there! 
Have a great day. 

Emilie Garnier 
Purdue Univeristy, School of Mechanical Engineering 
ESW President 
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