ESE-faculty-list FW: Helmholtz UFZ TRACER project collaboration

Lee, Linda S lslee at
Tue Nov 19 11:12:10 EST 2019

The web site URLs mentioned in the previous TRACER information sent out has some unexpected restricted access

Try this link instead -<>, the web site for Helmholtz UFZ. Select "Water Resources & Environment" research unit, then  "Water Security". On the left panel you will see two programs " TRACER" and "inSTREAM" (se links below). Both are of interest to Purdue colleagues.

There are over 200 applicants for the 4 PhD slots available this year, and a first round of evaluation are underway now, leading up to video or on-site interviews to select four. Along the way, selection among five specific themes and advisor & co-advisor pairing will be determined.

Note-1: TRACER is funded for 3 yrs, with an additional 3 yrs as an option. Therefore, there will be several rounds of applications, each cycle for 4 PhDs.

Note-2: Purdue-funded PhD students can also be nominted for joining UFZ-TRACER cohorts. This is similar to grad students in the ESE program, and will need to TRACE requirements. The benfit being that they will have access to workshops, course modules, synthesis workshops, annual meetings etc.

Helmholtz International Research School TRACER - Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research<>
TRACER (TRajeCtories towards watER security) is a Helmholtz International Research School funded for 6 years by the Initiative and Networking Fund of the President of the Helmholtz Association.The establishment of International Research Schools, which are focused on a scientific topic, creates possibilities to use synergies between the German and international partners to increase research ...<>
PhD college inSTREAM - Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research<>
Nutrient emissions from river catchments are still high, despite ongoing efforts to reduce loads from point-, and non-point sources. Elevated nutrient emissions impact water quality not only in the recipient streams but also pose a serious threat to downstream rivers and marine ecosystems.<>

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