ESE-faculty-list Job opportunity: EPA HQ NEPA Program Position (GS13)

Musser, Christal A. cmeinder at
Thu Nov 21 08:57:14 EST 2019

Please share opp....

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: "Barger, Cindy" <Barger.Cindy at<mailto:Barger.Cindy at>>
Date: 11/21/19 8:40 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Lee, Linda S" <lslee at<mailto:lslee at>>
Subject: job opportunity: EPA HQ NEPA Program Position (GS13)

Hi Linda – I had another come out yesterday for the GS13 level that your experienced alumni may be interested in as well.  (I wasn’t expecting this one to post until next week but it came out early 😊)

EPA HQ Federal Agency Liaison/NEPA Reviewer: This position is recruiting Biologists, Engineers and Physical Scientists at the GS-13 level.
This announcement is open 11/20/19 through 11/27/2019.

Cindy S. Barger
Director, NEPA Compliance Division
Office of Federal Activities
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC
Tel:  202-564-3169
Cell: 202-897-5686

From: Lee, Linda S <lslee at<mailto:lslee at>>
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 4:13 PM
To: Barger, Cindy <Barger.Cindy at<mailto:Barger.Cindy at>>
Subject: Re: job opportunity: EPA HQ NEPA Program Entry Level Position (GS9)

Got it. Will send out.

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: "Barger, Cindy" <Barger.Cindy at<mailto:Barger.Cindy at>>
Date: 11/20/19 3:05 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Lee, Linda S" <lslee at<mailto:lslee at>>
Subject: RE:  job opportunity: EPA HQ NEPA Program Entry Level Position (GS9)

Hi Linda - Our job announcement for the GS9 finally opened. Here’s the link  It is open from 11/20/2019 to 11/27/2019.

Please let folks know that the short 1 week window is only an EPA standard practice for public announcements.  We encourage folks to apply.

By the way – Jake starts on Monday 😊


Cindy S. Barger
Director, NEPA Compliance Division
Office of Federal Activities
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC
Tel:  202-564-3169
Cell: 202-897-5686

From: Barger, Cindy
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2019 3:47 PM
To: Lee, Linda S <lslee at<mailto:lslee at>>
Subject: FW: Upcoming job opportunity: EPA HQ NEPA Program Entry Level Position (GS9)

Hi Linda – Jake accepted our offer. We anticipate him starting in November (after he gets through clearances). We will be recruiting for another entry level position. Your program sounds like such a great interdisciplinary program – I thought some of your graduates may be interested. Please feel free to send this “heads up” around to them.  I’ll let you know when the announcement is posted.



In the next 4 to 6 weeks, the EPA Headquarters National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Compliance Division will be recruiting an entry level position for Federal Agency Liaison/NEPA Reviewer.  This position will be recruiting Biologists, Engineers, Physical Scientists, Archaeologists and Architects at the GS-9 level. The position will be announced in USAJOBS open both internally to federally employees and externally to the public.   The announcement will be for  a limited window only (typically 10 days).  In order to provide the greatest opportunity for potential candidates, we ask that you share this early notification as widely as possible.  Once the announcement is posted in USAJOBS, we will send a follow-up email with the active link.

EPA has a unique role in the NEPA process to include a responsibility to prepare EPA’s own documents for NEPA compliance; review and provide comment on the adequacy of environmental impact statements (EIS) of other Federal agencies under Section 309 of the Clean Air Act; serve as a repository (EIS database) for EISs prepared by other Federal agencies; and review environmental impact assessment for non-government activities in Antarctica.  The NEPA Compliance Division (NCD) oversees the policies and procedures for these roles, acts as liaison with headquarters offices in other Federal agencies, reviews EISs for other Federal agencies for those actions that cover more than one EPA region, manages the EIS database and manages the Antarctica review responsibilities.  and these is in the Office of Federal Activities under the Office of Policy.  The NCD mission is to protect human health and the environment by assisting government agencies to adequately consider environmental impacts in their decision-making processes.  The vision of the NCD is to be recognized as subject matter experts that leverage EPA’s collective knowledge to provide sound advice and constructive comments through the NEPA and Section 309 CAA process and procedures.

Qualified candidates should show a knowledge of environmental laws and regulations; strong written and oral communication skills; conflict resolution skills; the ability to work in diverse teams and communicate across multiple disciplines and values; the ability to multi-task; a desire to develop facilitation and mediation skills; and a willingness to learn new topics quickly.

The entry level position is in a non-competitive career ladder with promotion potential to a GS-13.  If after one year, the employee is performing a fully satisfactory level, then the employee would qualify for a promotion to the next grade level (i.e., after one year at a GS-9, then the employee may be promoted to a GS-11, then GS-12 and then GS-13).

Any interested parties are more than welcome to contact me for more information on the position, working at EPA or living in the Washington, DC area.

Thank you

Cindy S. Barger
Director, Nepa Compliance Division
Office of Federal Activities
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC
Tel:  202-564-3169
Cell: 202-897-5686
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