ESE-faculty-list FW: Science Communication Day
Lee, Linda S
lslee at
Tue Nov 19 08:13:32 EST 2019
The Science Policy Initiative of Notre Dame is currently recruiting STEM graduate students from across Indiana for a Science Communication Day at the Statehouse<> on March 2nd, 2020. Participants will have the opportunity to meet with State Senators, Representatives and their staff to practice communicating about their research to a non-technical audience. The goal of the event is to increase visibility of scientists at the statehouse, and begin cultivating the relationships that are so essential for creating evidence-based policy.
We would love to invite STEM graduate students from Purdue to join us, but we could really use your help. If your department has a newsletter, and you would be willing to share this flier<>, or if you know how we could reach more students at your institution for recruitment, we would be so appreciative of your help. Please let us know if you would like any further information about the event, or how we can better reach Purdue students.
Thank you, and all the best,
Lexi Chirakos
Co-President of The Science Policy Initiative at Notre Dame
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