ESE-faculty-list Opportunity: TRACER (TRajeCtories towards watER security)

Lee, Linda S lslee at
Mon Nov 18 15:51:46 EST 2019

Call for faculty who are interested in participating as a co-advisor or committee member for students selected to be in the first cohort and subsequent cohorts.
See below and attached. :

TRACER (TRajeCtories towards watER security)
Purdue Partnership with Helmholtz-UFZ Center for Environmental Research (Leipzig, Germany) and University of Florida

Purdue University has an active, institutional level Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Helmholtz-UFZ Center for Environmental Research (Leipzig, Germany), which includes University of Florida as the second US partner, and Technical University of Dresden, Germany. The catalyst for this MOU was extended discussions during my sabbatical leave at UFZ. To date, several PhD students from Purdue and faculty members have attended Summer Field School (in Magdeburg, Germany), Summer Synthesis Workshops (one at Purdue; two in Dresden), and have been part of personnel exchanges.
Last year, a six-year collaborative project was funded by Helmholtz Association to establish a new International Research Schools, which are focused on a scientific topic, creates possibilities to use synergies between the German and international partners to increase research performance while at the same time offering a structured program of doctoral education. This project, TRACER (TRajeCtories towards watER security) is a Helmholtz International Research School,  a part of the Initiative and Networking Fund of the President of the Helmholtz Association<>. Details can be found at the web site:
The TRACER project focuses on five topics reacted to water security, both quantity and quality, in diverse global basins, as impacted by anthropogenic pressures moderated by natural processes:

*       [Graphical illustration of the PLAN-B framework of TRACER | (c) TRACER Team] Basin-scale Water Quality Dynamics

*       Metabolism of Aquatic Ecosystems

*       Urban Water Management

*       Basin-wide Land Use Changes

*       Policy/Management for Water Security
TRACER project aims to develop a new comprehensive understanding of temporal trajectories of human impacts on natural water systems and reciprocal effects on societies. This understanding will be globally transferable across wide ranges of economic and societal settings.
The project will fund (3 years each) several PhD students over the project duration, and the cohorts will also include PhD students funded by partner institutions. Faculty members at all partner institutions can serve either as co-advisors or committee members. TRACER PhD students can participate in a variety of research and academic activities, including extended visits at partner institutions, and attending summer schools and synthesis workshops.
The call for the first TRACER PhD cohort is out. Links to the five different topics are listed below. Please distribute them via your networks. Applications must be submitted via the UFZ application system to be considered.

Purdue faculty members and current PhD students interested in being a part of the TRACER project are invited to contact Suresh Rao or Linda Lee.

Graduate students interested in this project must submit applications via the UFZ application system to be considered (current call is now closed but next year, it will reopen for the next cohort).

topic 1
topic 2
topic 3
topic 4
topic 5

Linda S. Lee
B480 Lilly Hall, West Lafayette, IN 47907; Office: (765) 494-8612; Cell (765) 414-3086; lslee at<mailto:lslee at>
Purdue University Dept. of Agronomy, Professor of Environmental Chemistry
Interdisciplinary Ecological Science & Engineering (ESE) Graduate Program, Program Head,<>
Division of Environmental Ecological Engineering, Courtesy Faculty Appointment

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