ESE-faculty-list Fwd: Distribute to faculty - Free webinar and curricular materials for faculty - connecting students to climate change solutions

Musser, Christal A. cmeinder at
Tue Feb 7 22:59:36 EST 2017

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Begin forwarded message:

From: Debra Rowe <roweocc at<mailto:roweocc at>>
Date: February 7, 2017 at 10:03:19 PM EST
To: "educatingforasustainablefuture at gmail. com" <educatingforasustainablefuture at<mailto:educatingforasustainablefuture at>>
Subject: Distribute to faculty - Free webinar and curricular materials for faculty - connecting students to climate change solutions

Please join us and share with your faculty and staff!

Beyond Doom and Gloom: Include Solutions to Climate Change
Wed, Mar 1, 2017 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EST

Are you or your students worried about climate change impacts? Are you connecting your students to ways to be involved in solutions? This webinar focuses on expert materials to engage students in current and future policy solutions that can be used in any course and in any discipline. Join us to see how you can be part of reducing doom and gloom and share opportunities for progress.

Brought to you by over sixty national higher education associations, including DANS (Disciplinary Associations Network for Sustainability) and HEASC (Higher Education Associations' Sustainability Consortium). This initiative is an outgrowth of a call to energy literacy developed by Debra Rowe, recipient at MIT of the C3E Education Award, and Amanda Graham, HEASC Fellow and originally with MIT Energy Lab.

[Beyond Doom and Gloom: Include Solutions to Climate Change]


Debra Rowe, Ph.D.


U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development<><>

Co-founder and Program Director
Higher Education Associations Sustainability Consortium<><>

Founder and Facilitator

Disciplinary Associations Network for Sustainability<><>

Sustainability Improves Student Learning<> Project

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