ESE-faculty-list Unsaturated Zone Interest Group Workshop in Gainesville, FL

Lee, Linda S lslee at
Wed Feb 8 05:38:15 EST 2017

FYI to those who have interest in this area.

Just a reminder that abstract submission is still open for the 2017 Unsaturated Zone Interest Group (UZIG) Workshop and Information Exchange titled "Land-Use Change, Climate Change, and Hydrologic Extremes: Unsaturated Zone Responses and Feedbacks" which will take place April 4 - 6, 2017 at the University of Florida in Gainesville.
The workshop is being co-hosted by the University of Florida in Gainesville and the USGS. It will feature a keynote address by Dr. Upmanu Lall, Director of the Columbia Water Center at Columbia University, 2 days of oral and poster sessions, and a full day field trip. The workshop will promote the collaborative sharing of ideas, research results, and technical expertise in a friendly informal setting. Its main objective will be to advance unsaturated-zone science by fostering lively exchange of information on emerging theories, data, and technology across research groups. As with previous UZIG meetings (2009 VZJ Special Section<>) presenters will have the opportunity to publish their original research in a special issue of a peer-reviewed journal.
Information about the workshop, registration details, and a form for submitting your abstract (Feb 17th deadline) are available at the meeting website:

If you have questions, please contact Dr. Rafael Muñoz-Carpena, carpena at<mailto:carpena at>, 352-392-1864 ext. 287 or Dr. Wesley Henson, whenson at<mailto:whenson at>, 775-247-5730.

The UZIG steering committee
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