ESE-faculty-list FW: [CEDD] OnGreen: Cleantech Development

Lee, Linda S lslee at
Mon Jul 18 12:24:38 EDT 2011

Sent: Monday, July 18, 2011 11:31 AM
To: CEDD and CEREL Members
Subject: [CEDD] OnGreen: Cleantech Development

Connect your research with green investors!

NCSE invites you to join an exciting venture to advance development of clean technology. We have begun to collaborate with OnGreen, an IT startup that is creating the a robust marketplace for cleantech. OnGreen<> connects entrepreneurs, government agencies, researchers, academic experts, and investors from around the world to bring the best clean technologies to market using funding and technology commercialization tools provided through a unique online platform. The OnGreen site helps locate and engage individuals with the right resources and skills regardless of location  to resolve challenges, create initiatives, and implement ideas.

Using OnGreen's cyberplatform, users connect with key industry professionals and find funding opportunities and resources for their business. The online tools help users access new opportunities and form partnerships essential to accelerating investment in clean technology, solving environmental and energy issues, and creating a sustainable economy with quality green jobs.

Mark Bernstein, former Director of the University of Southern California (USC) Energy Institute and CEDD and CEREL representative, has been advising OnGreen and is helping to evaluate and validate clean technologies, and discovering promising innovations that can solve critical environmental and energy issues. Some recent experts who joined the community come from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), University of Southern California (USC), Rochester Institute of Technology and the University of Texas at Austin.

Mark would like to reach out to the NCSE community, building on NCSE's mission of promoting science for the environment, to spread the work about the OnGreen expert community - it's a way to find collaborators, engage in dialogue and find new opportunities and avenues for the research you and your colleagues are engaged in. We are hoping that the OnGreen expert network will be a force in helping create change and opportunity for cleantech ideas and innovations.  We invite you to become a member! Please pass this invitation to colleagues so they can build their professional cleantech profile online, similar to LinkedIn, and use their valuable knowledge and specialized skills in the cleantech sector, mentor entrepreneurs, and provide key feedback to investors who seek technical expertise.

OnGreen is using their social networking skills to help NCSE reach out beyond the U.S. to create linkages across institutions and countries and highlight our activities on the OnGreen platform.

OnGreen has recently begun working with the Department of Energy, Department of Commerce's Economic Development Administration and the US Patent and Trade Organization (PTO), the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, as well as to help find, accelerate and promote the most innovative new companies in cleantech.

Over the coming year, OnGreen will be holding Demo Days events with these organizations in several cities around the country to promote innovations and companies and match them with investors active in early stage cleantech investing. To accomplish this task, we invite academics, researchers, and specialists with the cleantech knowledge and skills to participate in expert review, provide feedback and help select entrepreneurs from the site to present to cleantech investors and industry leaders.

OnGreen Founder and CEO Nikhil Jain will be speaking at the 2011 International Green Energy Economy conference<> cosponsored by NCSE and CEREL along with the Korea Energy Economics Institute and the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy (University of Delaware) on July 27-28 in Washington, DC. Please join us to meet leading researchers, financiers and policymakers! See<>

If you are interested in becoming an expert on OnGreen, please click the following link:<> .  Please use referral code: NCSE

Once there, you will have the option of creating your profile by using your Linkedin account or you can create an account via the normal sign-up process. It is free and will not take much time and it will work like Linked-In - people will need permission from you before contacting you directly. If you have questions, contact Mark Bernstein at MBernstein at<mailto:MBernstein at>
The NCSE-OnGreen partnership offers many opportunities for you and your colleagues. I hope that you will join today!!


David E. Blockstein, Ph.D.
Executive Secretary,
Council of Environmental Deans and Directors
Council of Energy Research and Education Leaders
Senior Scientist
National Council for Science and the Environment

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