ESE-faculty-list At 10:30 today - Seminar: Towards Web-based Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Sustainable and Resilient Systems
Lee, Linda S
lslee at
Mon Jul 25 10:11:59 EDT 2011
Dr. Anthony Halog
College of Natural Sciences, Forestry and Agriculture
University of Maine
Towards Web-based Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Sustainable and Resilient Systems
Date: July 25, 2011
Location: Potter 234, Fu Room
Time: 10:30 am
The need for integrated sustainability assessment has been widely discussed and is urgent due to increasingly complex environmental system problems. These problems have impacted ecosystems and human well-being which represent a threat to economic performance of countries and corporations. A comprehensive systems approach is essential for effective decision making with regard to global sustainability, since industrial, social, and ecological systems are closely linked. This presentation will present systems approaches to investigate the impacts on ecological and human systems of major shifts such as climate change and the associated policy and technology responses. System simulation models will be discussed to aid in analyzing and gaining insights on how engineering activities and operations for a supply chain or life cycle have affected or been affected by the natural ecosystem, as is the case with forest-based biofuels. Compromise solutions are needed that satisfy the triple dimensions of sustainability. Life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) requires that a great deal of quality data and information be secured on critical indicators and metrics from various stakeholders. The potential of web-based and Wikipedia technologies to support dynamic simulation and LCSA of complex engineered systems will also be explored. Past and ongoing projects will be discussed as well as research plans related to process and industrial systems engineering, industrial ecology and the quest for global sustainable development.
Dr. Halog obtained his PhD from Germany, where he developed a decision support tool for incorporating cost, quality, and environmental considerations into the early stage of product and process design with a life cycle/systems perspective. He has held positions in Japan as a Research Fellow in the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), the United Nations University, and Canada as an NSERC Fellow. Dr. Halog has a variety of global experiences and has received academic training in engineering, economics, business, and policy development. His research transcends the traditional boundaries of engineering. He is currently developing quantitative and computational models and tools to assess forest-based biofuels' technologies and industrial ecosystems, which can provide exciting breakthroughs in research and educational innovation in sustainability science and engineering. Broadly, his interests are industrial ecology, design for environment, life cycle assessment, coupled human and natural systems, and biomass energy and fuels production. He presently holds an appointment as an Assistant Professor at the University of Maine.
Linda S. Lee
Ecological Science & Engineering Interdisciplinary Graduate Program, Program Head
Professor, Environmental Chemistry,
Associate Head, Purdue University, Department of Agronomy
Crop Soil & Environmental Sciences
915 W. State Street, 3-363 Lilly Hall
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2054
Office: (765) 494-8612; Fax (765) 496-2926
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