ESE-faculty-list Rebecca Logsdon Defense Announcement

Musser, Christal A. cmeinder at
Wed Jul 13 14:17:15 EDT 2011

Please mark your calendar and see attachment for complete detail on Rebecca Logsdon's Defense.  Rebecca plans to continue on to get her PhD.

Title:                             Development of a Quantification
                                      Method for Ecosystem Services
Major Professor(s): Dr. Indrajeet Chaubey
Date:                            Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Time:                            9:00AM
Location:                     ABE 301
Thank you,

Christal Musser
Program Coordinator
Ecological Sciences and Engineering
Interdisciplinary Graduate Program
Purdue University
Hansen Room 114
201 S. University Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907
musser at<mailto:musser at>

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