[Epics-india] EPICS India: Week 11 Announcements

Cody Michael Phillips phill225 at purdue.edu
Thu Mar 26 20:46:11 EDT 2020

Hello Team India!

I hope the transition to online classes has been smooth for all of you, and I really hope you all had a great spring break!

A few reminders

  1.  Tomorrow's lab meeting will occur at its usual time, 8:30 am Eastern. It will be over GoToMeeting with Meeting ID: 796-116-189
     *   At or before 9:30 am Eastern, we will break into sub-teams and the Mobile Science Lab team will call our partners.
  2.  The PIGS slides are available  here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1uYiKLjWYdbXV6qurRDeWsYuAfw6F3AkmSQl6qXu6CPo/edit#slide=id.p
PIGS 3/27/20 Team India 1
  3.  Remember that the notebooks are due tomorrow. We still need to have work and accomplishments and weekly reflections as usual (not for week 10). We also need to be very specific on what you did individual. I would recommend using the sections from the IER (Individual Evaluation Rubric).

Hear you all tomorrow! (lol get it because it's just audio?)

Cody Phillips
Electrical Engineering May 2022
Project Manager of Team INDIA in EPICS
phill225 at purdue.edu
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