[Epics-india] EPICS INDIA: follow up information - 3/13 meeting

Leidig, Paul Alan pleidig at purdue.edu
Fri Mar 13 12:29:48 EDT 2020



Work and Accomplishments - You do not need to have separate tabs for group and individual work or anything like that, when we talk about separating them. The point is that it just needs to be crystal clear to an outside reader what your specific contributions are. Remember to ask yourself 'Could someone not familiar with the project pick up my notebook and reproduce my work just from this documentation?'  - this is the goal.

Reflections -  The three parts we are looking for, same as they have been, are (1) something that has happened during the week to spark this reflection, (2) connecting to a broader idea (teamwork, ethics, remote communication, benchmarking, etc.), and (3) connecting this to how you will use your experience/learning in the future inside and outside EPICS.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Paul Leidig, PE
Engineering Education
EPICS Advisor and Graduate Teaching Assistant
PLeidig at Purdue.edu<mailto:PLeidig at Purdue.edu>
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From: Dustker, Srinivas Mohan <sdustker at purdue.edu>
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2020 12:09 PM
To: epics-india at ecn.purdue.edu
Cc: Seyedali Ghahari <sghahari at purdue.edu>; Leidig, Paul Alan <pleidig at purdue.edu>
Subject: EPICS INDIA: follow up information - 3/13 meeting

Hi team,

This is going to be long email filled with information

FYI - the meeting time will be at 8:30am on Friday's, starting from March 27th, 2020, where we will begin with PIGS, followed by questions and concerns. Then transition to India call at 9:30am. We (advisors and TA) will be present in the meeting till 10:20am. The best way to connect with us is via email, if you wish to talk to any of us outside of lab time. Make sure you send the email to Ali, Paul and myself; so that everyone is in the loop.

Cody - If you want to reserve a GoToMeeting time via any of the three labs (1101, 1098B, 1098C), during after hours, for a virtual team meeting, you can do it via sharepoint. If you need more information on this, just let me know.
If you got a new financial officer, let us know.
@epics-india at ecn.purdue.edu<mailto:epics-india at ecn.purdue.edu> is the email list for all the team members in India. (Note: The advisors and the TA are not part of the list, so be sure to include us separately)

Please start every subject line in your email as - EPICS INDIA: ______________

Coming to the notebooks (generic items to keep in mind; refer to your individual feedback for in-depth expectations):

In your W&A, we would like to see two main categorizations - group work and individual work. Under individual work, please make note of what you did, why you did it, and provide evidence for the said task. Also, it would be beneficial to add, in what stage of the design process you currently are.

With you reflections, we would like to see your reflection touching the three areas - what happened, how does it relate to EPICS or any of your identities, and the future

Students in leadership roles should also focus on a plan of action for delegating tasks and outlining the goals (team and semester)

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We really appreciate your time and co-operation.


Srinivas Mohan Dustker - (734)-773-5151
School of Engineering Education<https://engineering.purdue.edu/ENE> - Ph.D Student '19
EPICS<https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/purdue>  - Graduate Teaching Assistant
Purdue University, West Lafayette IN
Pronouns: he/him/his
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