[Epics-india] Mock Design Review

Rahul Maheswaran rmaheswa at purdue.edu
Wed Dec 6 11:51:40 EST 2017

Hey guys,

So by the looks of the survey, Thursday evening seems to be the best time for everyone. Looking at the times posted, I think we can start with Rural at around 7.30 pm and I think that since everyone is busy with dead week and finals, let's just do it team by team so that the others don't have to waste time.

I have reserved the lab from 6.30pm till midnight. So you can feel free to stay and practice after you're done.

The time slots are as follows:

Rural - 7.30pm

Tractor - 8.30pm

Medical - 9.30pm

Please let me know if you have any concerns with this. It's okay if one team member is not able to make it at a specific time. Make sure you have practiced with that team member before that, and the entire team knows what to do and who presents which slide.

Message me if you have any issues with the time slots.

Remember, the more prepared your team is, the earlier you get to leave :D

See you tomorrow!



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