[Epics-india] INDIA End of Semester Information

Kelsey N Welch welch4 at purdue.edu
Fri Dec 8 16:41:54 EST 2017

Great job today everyone! Please see below for a summary of remaining items. Instructions are further down in the original email.

Due Friday December 8, 2017 by 11:59 p.m.

  1.  Peer Evaluations
  2.  Professional Development Hours
  3.  Purdue Course Evaluation

Due Saturday December 9th by 11:59pm

  1.  Individual Documentation (OneNote Notebook)
     *   PM and DLs are required to write their lessons learned in their notebooks. Talk about anything you have learned and about anything that you think it might be helpful for the next generation who want to take your role at EPICS. (You would need to add a tab to your notebook called "Lessons Learned."
  2.  Final Reflection (OneNote)
  3.  Individual Evaluation Rubric

     *   THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO ME VIA EMAIL, and please label your documents as follows: INDIA-IER-Fall17-YOURFULLNAME.docx.

Due Thursday December 14, 2017 by 12:00 p.m.

  1.  Final Design Document that includes design reviewers’ comments uploaded to Sharepoint in Semester Documentation and emailed to advisors and TA
     *   The review sheets are accessible here<https://sharepoint.ecn.purdue.edu/epics/teams/india/Semester%20Documentation/2017%20Fall/Final%20Design%20Reviewer%20Comments>.

  1.  Design Review Follow-Up Document
  2.  Project Evaluation Rubric uploaded to Sharepoint in Semester Documentation: This document can be downloaded from the team documents under the grading tab in the epics website.
  3.  Transition Document uploaded to Semester Documentation
  4.  Documentation Upload

Thank you for a great semester!

Kelsey Welch, E.I.T.

Candidate for Masters of Science in Civil Engineering Structures

EPICS Graduate Teaching Assistant

From: Kelsey N Welch
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2017 11:36:22 AM
To: epics-india at ecn.purdue.edu
Cc: Drummond, M. Maeve; oakes at purdue.edu
Subject: INDIA End of Semester Information


It is the time to document everything and submit final deliverables. I know that this is a long e-mail, but please go through the bullet points carefully. Notice some due dates have been extended.

Friday December 1, 2017 in lab

  1.  Teaching Assistants Review Forms
     *   The forms will be handed out in lab by the advisors – they should be filled out at the end of the lab; Rahul or the advisors will give those to Pam Brown (EPICS Office).
  2.  Verify that your attendance and course number (EPCS 1, 2, 3, or 4xx) are correct on myEPICS. (If you find any problem, please let me know.)
  3.  Design Review Invitations

Due Friday December 1, 2017 by 11:59pm

  1.  Final Design Document for review by Design Reviewers
     *   Upload here: https://sharepoint.ecn.purdue.edu/epics/designreview/default.aspx
     *   Must be pdf

Friday December 8, 2017 in lab

  1.  Final Design Review – dress is business casual
  2.  Return all checked out equipment.

Due Friday December 8, 2017 by 11:59 p.m.

  1.  Peer Evaluations
     *   To be completed in myEPICS
     *   Please rank and comment on individuals you have worked with
        *   If you give everyone the same score and/or no feedback your contribution to peer evaluation grade will suffer
     *   All project team members (sub-teams) should be included in the peer evaluation
     *   Everyone should evaluate the project manager
  2.  Professional Development Hours
  3.  Purdue Course Evaluation
     *   http://www.purdue.edu/cie/Website%20CoursEval/courseeval<http://www.purdue.edu/cie/Website%20CoursEval/courseeval/>
     *   Submit proof of completion by printing “completed evaluations” pages and emailing to TA

Due Saturday December 9th by 11:59pm

  1.  Individual Documentation (OneNote Notebook)
     *   Make sure all your work is in your notebook
     *   Remember that the notebooks should provide evidence of your efforts!
     *   Keep a backup copy of your notebook content in case there are problems with OneNote around the submission deadline.
     *   Reflections - Make sure they are up-to-date. Also include your reflections on the Design Review
        *   More information on how to write good reflection can be found here: https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/purdue/individual-documents/reflections
     *   PM and DLs are required to write their lessons learned in their notebooks. Talk about anything you have learned and about anything that you think it might be helpful for the next generation who want to take your role at EPICS. (You would need to add a tab to your notebook called "Lessons Learned."
  2.  Final Reflection (OneNote)
     *   Detailed information could be found at the following link https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/purdue/individual-documents/reflections
     *   For two of the four areas below, critically reflect about what you have learned in that area this semester. Each reflection should address the following questions and contain at least 300 words.
     *   Guided Questions for the Reflection:
        *   What did I learn?
        *   How did I learn it?
        *   Why does the learning matter?
        *   What will/could I or others do in light of this learning?
     *   Four Areas (Choose Two):
        *   Personal and Professional Development: What did you learn about who you are (your strengths, weaknesses, assumptions, skills, convictions, etc.) and who you want to become, personally or professionally?
        *   Social Impact: What did you learn about the broader impacts of your work and how you and others can affect change locally and/or globally? What did you learn about the community, the needs, and/or the quality of the service provided?
        *   Academic Enhancement: What did you learn related to your discipline and how was that enhanced by the service-learning context? What did you learn about Human-Centered Design?
        *   Ethics: What you have learned about professional ethics, the ethical issues you encountered in your team and your project, and how decisions regarding ethical issues are made individually and as a team?
  3.  Individual Evaluation Rubric

     *   THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO ME VIA EMAIL, and please label your documents as follows: INDIA-IER-Fall17-YOURFULLNAME.docx.

     *   Outline your specific accomplishments with a detailed description in the Student’s Comments box.
     *   Note where evidence of your work can be found
        *   Specific SharePoint folders (“Notebook” is not adequate)
     *   Explain why you deserve a certain grade in the Student’s Comments box
        *   Add lines as necessary. Your specific accomplishments and grade you think you deserve will probably push the first page to be longer
     *   A link to IERs can be found here.  https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/purdue/team-documents/ier (fill out the one that is associated with your EPICS level)

Due Thursday December 14, 2017 by 12:00 p.m.

  1.  Final Design Document that includes design reviewers’ comments uploaded to Sharepoint in Semester Documentation and emailed to advisors and TA
     *   The review sheets will be accessible here<https://sharepoint.ecn.purdue.edu/epics/teams/india/Semester%20Documentation/2017%20Fall/Final%20Design%20Reviewer%20Comments> after the final design review session.

  1.  Design Review Follow-Up Document
     *   One per sub-team (project)
     *   Please complete the one that you uploaded for the mid-semester and upload it to SharePoint (Semester Documentation)
  2.  Project Evaluation Rubric uploaded to Sharepoint in Semester Documentation: This document can be downloaded from the team documents under the grading tab in the epics website.
     *   A link to the document can be found here: https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/teams/team-documents/Grading
  3.  Transition Document uploaded to Semester Documentation
     *   One per project/sub-team
     *   One-page summary of your project
     *   Major accomplishments this semester
     *   Suggestions for future teams
     *   Explanation of next steps for project
  4.  Documentation Upload
     *   Please upload all necessary documents on SharePoint Project Documentation and Semester Documentation (EPICS SharePoint ONLY); i.e. if you have been using google drive, this is the time to move the most important items to the EPICS SharePoint. Make folders for your teams as appropriate.
        *   If a document changes over time, like your Design Document, then probably it should be under a Project Documentation directory, for your project.  If, on the other hand, it's a one-time document, like a presentation you will give on a certain date, or a version of your Design Document that you want to identify specifically as the result of this semester's work, then it would go under Semester Documentation.
     *   Make sure the documents on SharePoint are well organized in a logical manner (folder organization) and their folder-name is referred to in your notebooks/IER. (PM, Design Leads, and Project Archivist(s) are responsible for making sure the files are in good shape.)
        *   Use either folder/file name or location (link)
     *   Please make sure all the documents are checked-in on SharePoint
        *   If documents are checked-out, they are accessible only to the person who checked them out - Please check-in documents that you check-out (this does not happen automatically!)

Fall semester documentation is really important because we need to keep the pace! Therefore, we carefully review your documents, and you will be evaluated by the way you have documented your projects. PM and DLs are playing an important role here to ease the transition process to the next team. Please work closely with your teammates to have a polished package for the next generation! Please let me know if you have any questions/comments/concerns.

Thank you,

Kelsey Welch, E.I.T.

Candidate for Masters of Science in Civil Engineering Structures

EPICS Graduate Teaching Assistant
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