ECEA Fwd: April 7th campus visit

Madalina Vintila mvintila at
Wed Apr 6 15:16:14 EDT 2011


Just got a last minute request for an additional volunteer for tomorrow's luncheon (1:30 pm, EE 118). Anyone available to participate? Please reply ASAP.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Muldoon, Kim E" <muldoonk at>
> Date: April 6, 2011 3:09:16 PM EDT
> To: "'mvintila at'" <mvintila at>
> Subject: FW: April 7th campus visit

> Hi Nina,
> We just got notification that Gerhard Klimeck can’t make it to EE 400 seminar would you please contact the ambassadors and see who can make it in his place.
> Thank you,
> Kim
> Kim Muldoon
> Development Assistant
> Electrical and Computer Engineering
> Purdue University
> 765-494-3441
> From: Contreni, Margarita L 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 2:53 PM
> To: Klimeck, Gerhard
> Cc: James Krogmeier; Muldoon, Kim E
> Subject: RE: April 7th campus visit
> OK, thanks for letting us know.  Please confirm that you will be there for the class and will introduce Larry.
> Kim, would you contact Nina and recruit another student ambassador to substitute for Gerhard at the lunch?
> Thanks,
> M
> *******************************
> Margarita Contreni
> Purdue Access and Success
> Senior Director of Development
> School of Electrical and Computer Engineering   
> Electrical Engineering Building, Room 116
> 465 Northwestern Avenue
> West Lafayette, IN  47907-2035
> 765-496-6453 (office)
> 765-491-0489 (mobile)
> 765-494-3544 (fax)
> mcontreni at
> From: Klimeck, Gerhard 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 2:39 PM
> To: Contreni, Margarita L
> Cc: James Krogmeier; Muldoon, Kim E
> Subject: Re: April 7th campus visit
> Margarita:
> I just now got double booked with another meeting for Juan Ernesto deBedout and a crew of 4 operations research folks of Kimberly Clark.  They possibly buy into the HUBzero platform for commercial purposes.   They scheduled their visit on a short notice.  
> My apologies, but it looks like I must skip out of lunch.
> I might be able to stop by at around 2:15pm and spend a little time with Larry before my class.
> Gerhard
> On Apr 4, 2011, at 3:59 PM, Contreni, Margarita L wrote:
> Hi Larry,
> We had talked about touring campus while you’re here, highlighting the Birck Nanotechnology Center in particular.  And I thought it would be great for you to meet our campus planner/architect, John Collier, who provides the context for the campus development and a very nice overview. 
> Would this schedule work for you?  Remember, we’re on Eastern time, one hour later than Chicago.
> Thursday, April 7, 2011
> 9:45 AM               Arrive on campus; stop in Northwestern Garage Visitor Information Center for parking pass; Park in garage
> 10:00 AM             Campus development overview, with John Collier, Director of Campus Planning
>                                 Meet in Margarita’s office, EE Building, Room 116
> 10:45 AM             Drive around campus, with Margarita
> 11:15 AM             Tour of Birck Nanotechnology Center
> 11:45 AM             Drive back to EE Building
> 12:20 PM             Set-up for EE 400, with course instructor, Jim Krogmeier
> Meet in ME 261
> 12:30 PM             EE 400 seminar
> 1:30 PM                Lunch with Professors Ragu Balakrishnan, Gerhard Klimeck, Jim Krogmeier; Margarita; and student ambassador
>                                 Meet in EE 118
> 2:30 PM                Break
> 2:50 PM                Set-up for EE 694, with course instructor, Gerhard Klimeck
>                                 Meet in EE 170
> 3:00 PM                EE 694 seminar
> 4:30 PM                Depart campus
> Thanks again, Larry.  We’re excited to have you come.
> Best regards,
> Margarita
> *******************************
> Margarita Contreni
> Purdue Access and Success
> Senior Director of Development
> School of Electrical and Computer Engineering   
> Electrical Engineering Building, Room 116
> 465 Northwestern Avenue
> West Lafayette, IN  47907-2035
> 765-496-6453 (office)
> 765-491-0489 (mobile)
> 765-494-3544 (fax)
> mcontreni at
> From: Kessler, Larry [mailto:lkessler at SONOSCAN.COM] 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 3:21 PM
> To: Contreni, Margarita L; 'James Krogmeier'
> Cc: JoanneLax; Brand, Sandy
> Subject: RE: Purdue EE 400 and 694 instructors - April 7th seminar
> Hi Margarita et. al.,
> I am confirming for April 7 and am affirmative for the rest of your suggestions providing there is not 12 inches of snow on the ground for the tour.   I had planned on Spring arriving a few days ago but no one seems to have heard me yet.   Simply a management issue……..
> I look forward to being back for the visit and seminar.
> Regards,
> Larry
> From: Contreni, Margarita L [mailto:mcontren at] 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 2:04 PM
> To: 'James Krogmeier'; Kessler, Larry
> Cc: JoanneLax
> Subject: RE: Purdue EE 400 and 694 instructors - April 7th seminar
> Hi Larry,
> And we also would like to confirm luncheon after class at 1:30 PM, with student ambassadors.  Would you also have time for a campus tour, highlighting some of the new facilities you have not yet seen?
> Best regards,
> Margarita
> *******************************
> Margarita Contreni
> Purdue Access and Success
> Senior Director of Development
> School of Electrical and Computer Engineering   
> Electrical Engineering Building, Room 116
> 465 Northwestern Avenue
> West Lafayette, IN  47907-2035
> 765-496-6453 (office)
> 765-491-0489 (mobile)
> 765-494-3544 (fax)
> mcontreni at
> From: jvkrogmeier at [mailto:jvkrogmeier at] On Behalf Of James Krogmeier
> Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 2:00 PM
> To: Kessler, Larry
> Cc: jvk; Contreni, Margarita L; JoanneLax; Henzl, Laura Lynn
> Subject: Re: Purdue EE 400 and 694 instructors - April 7th seminar
> Larry,
> This title sounds very good. There have been few talks this semester from the entrepreneur's perspective so I think this will go very well. To reconfirm: 
> I have you scheduled for April 7. Class meets from 12:30 - 1:20 in ME 261. Your entry in the course schedule may be found at:
> There will be about 70 students at the lecture. We have a projector and a windows computer you can use. Talk could be either: emailed to me, brought on thumb drive, projected from your own laptop ... just let me know.
> Again thank you very much.
> Jim
> On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 5:40 PM, Kessler, Larry <lkessler at> wrote:
> Hello Jim
> It’s getting closer to the date and I am pondering the title.  Here is my thinking……..”The Evolution and Survival of a Small Hi Tech Company over 30 Years” 
> I am open to suggestions for emphasis based on your experiences with the seminar series.
> Larry Kessler
> From: jvkrogmeier at [mailto:jvkrogmeier at] On Behalf Of James Krogmeier
> Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 3:08 PM
> To: Kessler, Larry
> Cc: jvk; Contreni, Margarita L; Sloop, Laura L
> Subject: Re: Purdue EE 400 and 694 instructors - April 7th seminar
> Larry,
> Thank you for agreeing to help with ECE 400. I have you scheduled for April 7. Class meets from 12:30 - 1:20 in EE 170. Your entry in the course schedule may be found at:
> I do need a title for your talk and would also like a short bio to use for introducing you.
> Again thanks and please let me know of questions, etc.
> Jim
> On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 11:36 AM, Contreni, Margarita L <mcontren at> wrote:
> Hi Larry,
> Thank you again for presenting a seminar to our EE 400 undergraduate and 694 graduate career development courses on April 7th.  I’ve copied the instructors, Jim Krogmeier and Gerhard Klimeck respectively, so that they can follow up with you on your seminar title and class format, and to answer any additional questions you have.
> As the date approaches, I’ll touch base again on any additional plans while you’re here.  For sure, count on lunch in between the two courses with our instructors and student ambassadors. 
> Happy Holidays!
> Margarita
> *******************************
> Margarita Contreni
> Purdue Access and Success
> Senior Director of Development
> School of Electrical and Computer Engineering   
> Electrical Engineering Building, Room 116
> 465 Northwestern Avenue
> West Lafayette, IN  47907-2035
> 765-496-6453 (office)
> 765-491-0489 (mobile)
> 765-494-3544 (fax)
> mcontreni at
> -- 
> James V. Krogmeier
> Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
> Purdue University
> 465 Northwestern Ave.
> West Lafayette, IN 47907
> -- 
> James V. Krogmeier
> Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
> Purdue University
> 465 Northwestern Ave.
> West Lafayette, IN 47907
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