ECEA Fwd: SAO Bulletin XII: April 6

Madalina Baker mvintila at
Wed Apr 6 17:18:13 EDT 2011

Please find attached the newsletter from Purdue Student Organizations. 

- Nina.

P.S. I already got a volunteer for the luncheon this Thursday, thanks for all the prompt responses.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Elizabeth Canela" <ecanela at>
Sent: Wednesday, April 6, 2011 5:02:19 PM
Subject: SAO Bulletin XII: April 6

April 6, 2011 
(Next Issue April 20, 2011 ) 

Please share this e-newsletter with all your members 

NOTE: If you have received this email and are not the president or advisor, it means that the club has not updated its officers’ information. Please forward this to the person who is the president and direct officers to Schleman Hall room 250 to update your club’s file. 

*~* If you would like to add information to future SAO bulletins, then please go to the GetInvolved Site and fill out and turn in a SAO Bulletin Request Form found in the SAO - General Documents , to SCHL250 . The information must be targeted at all student organizations. Please do not send general callout information for the bulletin as those will be denied. ~*~ 

Follow the SAO office activities and student life today on Twitter: @GetInvolved_SAO 


1. SAO Bulletin Distribution 

2. Purdue Japan Disaster Relief 

3. April 7 ~ SAO Awards Nominations for Student Organizations and Leaders 

4. April 7 ~ Purdue Leaders Forum 

5. April 12 ~ Free STD Testing 

6. April 15 ~ GetInvolved Booklet 

7. April 10-17 ~ Grand Alternative Events 

8. April 20 – Potential 2012 Presidential Candidate Speech: Herman Cain 

9. April 29 ~ Add Event to Mortar Board Calendar 2011-2012 

10. LGBTQ Studies Survey 

11. May 6, 2011 – May 8, 2011 ~ Project Move Out 

12. Annual Student Leader’s Retreat 

13. Scholarship Applications 

14. Posting Policy 

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