[Cce-graduates-list] Reminder: Response needed: Do you intend to graduate in December 2024?

Ricksy, Jennifer R jricksy at purdue.edu
Thu Aug 22 16:09:30 EDT 2024

Please see instructions in red below.  If you have already notified me that you are on the candidate list - you don't need to send another message.


Jenny Ricksy
Burke Graduate Program Administrator
Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering
Ph: 765-494-2436    Fax: 765-494-0395
HAMP 1141G

Current Residential Students: https://engineering.purdue.edu/CE/Academics/Graduate/Current
Current Online Students: https://engineering.purdue.edu/CE/Academics/Graduate/Online/curriculum

Prospective Residential Students: https://engineering.purdue.edu/CE/Academics/Graduate/Degree-Requirements
Prospective Online Students: https://engineering.purdue.edu/CE/Academics/Graduate/Online

From: Ricksy, Jennifer R
Sent: Thursday, August 8, 2024 1:47 PM
To: cce-graduates-list at ecn.purdue.edu
Cc: Abraham, Dulcy M <dulcy at purdue.edu>; Lane, Stacy M <smlane at purdue.edu>
Subject: Response needed: Do you intend to graduate in December 2024?

To the Graduate Students of the Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering:

This message is intended for anyone who believes that they will complete graduation requirements during the Fall 2024 semester. Everyone else - I would suggest that you read through it so that you will know what to do when your graduation semester comes up!

First, you should be aware of the following webpage: https://engineering.purdue.edu/CCE/Academics/Graduate/Current/Candidates/Dec2024.   This page lists the necessary steps to complete, as well as their deadlines, in order to graduate in the fall semester. If you have not already done so, please look this page over and make yourself aware of all of the things you need to do.

We are going to try a new process this semester.  Once you have confirmed your plan to graduate in December with you advisor, you can enter the CAND 99100 (CRN 30123) registration request in the Scheduling Assistant. The Candidate course is not actually a course - it is merely a marker for the system to indicate that you will graduate in a given semester. This process does not notify me, so I ask that you also respond to this email, letting me know that you plan to graduate in December. Please have this done by September 11, 2024, so that you will be on all the appropriate graduation lists and avoid any late fees. I keep a CCE candidate list and regularly send graduation relevant information, so please be sure to let me know if you are on the December candidate list. It is still possible to be added to the candidate list after September 11th,  however, may require additional paperwork and may be subject to a $200 late fee.  Please keep in mind that you must be registered for credits (coursework and/or research) in order to be added to the regular candidate list - so be sure you have processed your registration and be sure that you don't have any registration holds on your account.  Registration instructions can be found at: https://engineering.purdue.edu/CE/Academics/Graduate/Current/Register.

For your information, I'd like to emphasize the following points:

* In order to graduate, you must have a Plan of Study approved. The POS deadline for December graduation is August 16, 2024.  If you do not have a Plan of Study, fully approved by Civil by August 16th, you will have a $200 late fee if you want to be added to the candidate list.  You can find detailed information on completing a Plan of Study (POS) at: https://engineering.purdue.edu/CE/Academics/Graduate/Current. Submitting your plan of study as a draft does NOT meet this deadline.

*  In order to graduate, you must be registered for a candidate (CAND) class. If you are not registered for such a class, you will need to do so no later than September 11, 2024 .

If you are registering for coursework or research hours, then you would be in CAND 99100. If you have completed all coursework and research credit requirements and won't be registering for hours, there are some privileged candidate registration options.  Please contact me if you are in this situation.

*The graduate school has implemented fees for late candidate deadlines:

*        A $200 late fee will be charged to a student who submits their POS after the deadline (August 16) and they wish to be a candidate.  A formal request must still be made of the graduate school to accept the POS after the deadline.  If they do not approve, no fee will be charged.

*        A $200 late fee will be charged to a student to requests candidacy after the appropriate deadline (September 11) for the semester.  A formal request must still be made of the graduate school to add the student to the candidate roster.  If they do not approve, no fee will be charged.

*        A $200 late fee will be charged to a student who has been on the candidate roster for the same degree for more than two consecutive semesters.  For example, if you were on the candidate list in spring and summer 2024 for the same degree as you will be for December 2024, you will be charged this fee.

Please let me know if you have any questions.



Jenny Ricksy

Burke Graduate Program Administrator

Ph: 765-494-2436

Email: jricksy at purdue.edu<mailto:jricksy at purdue.edu>

Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering

550 Stadium Mall Drive - HAMP 1141G

West Lafayette, IN 47907

Current Residential Students: https://engineering.purdue.edu/CE/Academics/Graduate/Current

Current Online Students: https://engineering.purdue.edu/CE/Academics/Graduate/Online/curriculum

Prospective Residential Students: https://engineering.purdue.edu/CE/Academics/Graduate/Degree-Requirements

Prospective Online Students: https://engineering.purdue.edu/CE/Academics/Graduate/Online

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