[Cce-graduates-list] new CE697 course (one-credit, one-lecture/week) offering for fall 2024

Dennis A Lyn lyn at purdue.edu
Sun Aug 11 10:32:01 EDT 2024

CE grad students:

I am offering this fall (2024) a one-credit CE697 course entitled 
"Dimensional analysis, scaling, and similarity: Physics, asymptotics, 
and statitics", and tentatively scheduled for W12:30 pm in HAMP2113.  
The following is a brief description (also reproduced in the attached):

Dimensional analysis is a general tool for designing experiments and 
organizing experimental data in a physically meaningful manner, 
primarily in but not necessarily restricted to mechanics-oriented 
fields.  It emphasizes the development of relationships between 
dimensionless groups, thus ensuring dimensional homogeneity, which can 
yield relationships less sensitive to changes in scale. The course 
reviews basic concepts such as the Buckingham-Pi theorem and the 
analysis of governing equations, but then also explores the related 
concepts of scaling and similarity.  The role of asymptotic arguments is 
emphasized, and implications for statistical analysis of the resulting 
dimensionless relationship are also discussed.  Much of the lecture part 
of the course will discuss examples of dimensional analysis of problems 
for which solutions are known or at least widely accepted, with the aim 
of providing guidance to applying dimensional analysis and scaling 
arguments to problems for which solutions are not available.  This will 
be a part-lecture part-seminar course; in the seminar part of the 
course, students will be asked to give in-class presentation of either 
their own work or from the research literature where the methods of 
dimensional analysis are applied.

Potential references are given in the attached.  If there are questions 
regarding the course contents, please feel free to contact me.

Dennis Lyn
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