[BNC-grads-list] Shanghai conference, Composites Nano Metals

Schwartz, Melissa J lanem at purdue.edu
Tue Mar 1 11:32:09 EST 2011

ICCE-19  Shanghai, China   July 24-30, 2011

19th  Annual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering


Dear  acheever at purdue.edu

NEWSLETTER  dated   March 1, 2011

(item 1) we are still accepting NEW paper titles  for ICCE-19 Shanghai, China.  All areas of Composite materials, metals, polymers, ceramics, or nano materials will be welcomed, among other current topics such as chemistry materials,  bio nano, natural fibers, environmental and energy materials, computational materials and experimental mechanics etc..   Please inform interested professors, researchers, especially students, and junior faculty members, who need visibilities to present papers.

Interested authors should submit tentative paper titles as soon as possible,  and then submit detailed two page short papers by June 1, 2011 (time extension possible)  to David Hui, each page has two-column format, and short papers must have  as many results as possible.    If you wish to develop a session(s), please inform me.

(item 2) the ICCE-19 registration fee of US$390 before May 24, 2011, is reasonable for five day conference in the financial capital city of Asia , Shanghai, and student registration fee of US$200 is even more reasonable.

(item 3) All these ICCE-19 detailed two page short papers  are peered reviewed and will appear as short papers in World Journal of Engineering (WJOE), upon payment of registration fee and attendance of ICCE-19.   Further, "all" full-length version of these short papers (with paper title change) will also be peered reviewed and published in selected journals.   Thus, all participants will have two journal papers as a benefit of coming to ICCE-19 Shanghai, China.

There is no need for full-length paper, but if you wish to submit full-length papers, please do so during or immediately after the conference.

(item 3) The five star affordable hotel venue in Shanghai, will be announced as soon as possible.

David Hui
Chair ICCE-19 Shanghai, China
dhui at uno.edu<mailto:dhui at uno.edu>
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