[BNC-grads-list] NanoDays Volunteers Needed - Fri. April 15

Drew Candebat dcandeba at purdue.edu
Tue Mar 1 10:41:25 EST 2011

Dear BNC Graduate Students,

The NanoDays event this year is looking for Birck volunteers.  It was highly successful last year due to Birck's student help!  We are looking for you to help man tables for any of the following shifts:

Friday, April 15, 9am - 10am
Friday, April 15, 10am - 1pm
Friday, April 15, 1pm - 4pm


Food, t-shirts, and possibly more incentives will be provided.  A description and sign-up are on the website and all materials for the demos are provided.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Drew Candebat
NanoDays Volunteer Coordinator
dcandeba at purdue.edu

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